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SmallBench Version 1.0
SmallBench - intelligent file browser and loader
smallbench [?] [ [-hpq] [-rotisa <file>|DISABLED] ... ]
SmallBench is both an example for the IntuiSup library and a
stand-alone executable tool. You must have iSup.library in
your libs directory in order to run it. The program runs
from the Shell or WorkBench, and doesn't need the WorkBench
loaded to run.
SmallBench is basically a tiny file browser with automatic
file type recognition. It lets you walk around your file
systems to select files and run, view, edit or play them ac-
cording to their type. It will run executable programs, load
text files into your favorite editor, load pictures into
your palette program or just view them for instance. Note
that it will work with ALL files, not only with those having
an icon, for the file type recognition is based on the
file's own header analysis and not on the ".info" data.
The program currently recognizes the following file types:
executables, text files, object files, IFF ILBM pictures,
IFF 8SVX digitized sound and IFF ANIM compressed bitmap
animations. Executable files are just launched as background
processes. For all the other types, a viewer is launched
with the selected file as argument. Each file type has it's
own viewer, which is set by default but can be changed
trough a command line option.
The recognition process used is not 100% safe, and errors
are possible on file types different from those known by the
program. This means that if a file is not of any of the
types specified above, the analysis algorithm might see it
as a text file instead of sensing an unknown object. The
chances for this are very reduced though, and in the worst
case the file is treated as text which safe if your editor
can load binary files. On the other hand, no recognition er-
ror can happen on known file types: an IFF ILBM files will
*always* be sensed as a picture. The -p option can be
toggled on or of to avoid any problems.
Utilities Page 1 Amiga
SmallBench Version 1.0
Before attempting to run SmallBench, make sure that:
1. you have a copy of iSup.library in your libs: direc-
2. you use correct arguments - see right below.
To run the program, enter "smallbench" at a CLI prompt or
doucble-click it's icon. Browse trough your files until you
select one you like, and double-click on its name, or just
select it and click the 'Ok' gadget: the file will load. To
end the program, select the 'CANCEL' gadget. Note that files
are loaded in the background, thus several different can be
loaded at the same time.
SmallBench uses the following arbitrary files by default:
etc:Less as the text files viewer
etc:Show as the picture files viewer
etc:Play as the sound files player
etc:Movie as the animation files viewer
Several command line options let you alter the default files
used and set your preferences. They are the following - the
WorkBench arguments are enclosed in brackets:
-h [not from WorkBench]
Displays a quick help list reminding the options
and default settings.
Disables the file type verification prompt.
Default is on, if you use -p, the requesters will
not appear.
Disables double quotes around filenames. By
default, SmallBench will add double quotes around
the file name you select when feeding it to the
according viewer. This prevents problems with
filenames containing spaces. For instance, if the
file you select is 'my file' and if it is a text
file, the program will generate the command 'c:run
etc:Less "my file"' and ask the Dos to execute
that. Now, some old programs linked with an old
and bugged version of astartup.obj will not cor-
rectly handle quotes around arguments. If your
viewer is on of these programs, you may choose to
use the -q option to override this drawback, but
you will not be able to view files containing
Utilities Page 2 Amiga
SmallBench Version 1.0
spaces in their names.
-t <file|DISABLED> [TEXT=<file|DISABLED>]
Specifies the text file viewer or editor. The next
argument must be a complete reference to your
favorite text viewer/editor. If you want no
action on text files, use the keyword 'DISABLED'
instead of a file reference.
Specifies the object file processor. Object files
are those produced by compilers or assembler, and
are usually used with a linker. The next argument
must be a complete reference to the object file
processor, or DISABLED if none is wanted. DISABLED
is the default here.
Specifies the IFF ILBM (picture) file viewer or
editor. The next argument must be a complete
reference to the viewer, or DISABLED if none is
wanted. You can use the display programs Display
or ShowIff here for instance, or you can call
DeluxePaint or another palette.
-s <file|DISABLED> [SOUND=<file|DISABLED>]
Specifies the IFF 8SVX (digitized sound) loader.
The next argument must be a complete reference to
the loader, or DISABLED if none is wanted.
-a <file|DISABLED> (ANIM=<file|DISABLED>]
Specifies the IFF ANIM (compressed animation)
player. The next argument must be a complete
reference to the player, or DISABLED if none is
wanted. The public domain program PlayAnim can be
used here for instance.
If a file type is DISABLED, nothing happens when a cor-
responding name is selected. If the loader fails, nothing
happens neither.
smallbench -p
runs SmallBench with all the launchers/viewers set to
the default values, but without the file type check re-
smallbench -q
forces the suppression of double quotes around file
names for use with old viewers not supporting quotes in
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SmallBench Version 1.0
command line arguments.
smallbench -i df0:Display -s df1:PlaySound -a df2:PlayAnim
uses "df0:Display" to view ILBM files instead of the
default "etc:show"; plays the 8SVX sound files with
"df1:PlaySound" and view the animation files with
This version should compile and link with the Lattice com-
piler, version 5.0 and over. A makefile is provided, but
linking requires the use of the IntuiSup library which is
not provided.
I will appreciate any comments, or bug reports if some are
Version 1.0 by Gauthier Groult, June 02, 1989.
Gauthier Groult
33, Blvd Saint Denis
92400 Courbevoie
France, Europe
Tel: (1) 47 89 09 54
EMail: groult@germinal.ibp.fr
SmallBench executable program and source code are public
domain. Donations and contributions are welcome but not
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